Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nice Weekend

I hope you all had a chance to get outside this weekend.

Dave and I did a 10 mile pace run early Sat morning. We decided to push the pace alittle and finished 8 min faster than the same 10 miler last week. I really had a good day. We did a 20 min intra-coastal waterway stand for our ice bath and then I ate like a horse!

Non running news: My wife and I had date night Sat evening. We got a sitter and went out for fondue! Dinner was great and so was the company. We walked around Mayfaire afterward holding hands and looking in all the shop windows. A very nice night. We need to do that more often.

Sunday afternoon I spent doing yard work. The kids and I turned over the gardens, added fertilizer, lime, and compost. We are hoping to plant next weekend. We are going to try potatoes, garlic, onions, sugar peas, and salad mix. Please wish us luck.

Back to running for just a moment. Next Sat is our longest run before the marathon in March. We are scheduled to do 22 miles! Its going to be a good day!

Everybody have a good week!

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