Friday, November 19, 2010

Beach 2 Battleship Half Race Report

It has taken a week to get some perspective on this race. I wanted to really do well. I wanted to swim fast, I wanted the bike to be faster, and I wanted to run like the wind. But most of all I wanted to feel good about the race, say thanks to the volunteers, and cross the finish line with a smile.

The short version - all did not go as planned time wise but I really enjoyed most of the race, I did say thanks to the volunteers and I smiled every time I passed a camera. I finished with style, jogged the last 1/2 mile and raised my hands in triumph when it was announced - And now finishing from Wilmington, North Carolina - John Burke!

The long version:
I got up at 5 am and started with my standard breakfast: PB and J sandwich and a Diet Mt. Dew. I had everything already packed so I was out the door by 5:20 or so and down at the beach by 5:30. My buddy Mark, showed me the best place to park several races ago, so I parked and got into transition with no issues. I set up transition, dropped my T2 bag, and got body marked. Hitting the port-a-potty early is a good idea - no lines. I then spent about an hour hanging out in transition and talking with others set up around me. I met some very cool people from the Washington DC area, Team Z and we chatted for a while. I made my way from T1 to the swim start at 7:15 - boy it was nice to be in a warm bus. I ate my morning Cliff Bar about then too. I got cold waiting for for the start so I went ahead and put on my wetsuit along with all my layers. It was now a waiting game. I saw several friends at this point but my nerves were beginning to kick in so I could not stand still very long. I was not really worried about the water temp. I have swam in much colder water in the past and the sun was beginning to come up but..... suddenly the Coast Guard was delivering several full distance swimmer to the shore - their day was done due to the cold water. Not good.

The swim: Not my best day. I had hoped to go in around 35 minutes. The wind was blowing out of the north and there was some chop. I could not swim a straight line and I am not sure why. I have not had sighting issues over the last open water swims but this morning I could not hold a line at all. I made the turn at the wiggly man and suddenly it was a whole different world. My stroke smoothed out and I could hold my line fine - still don't know what the deal was but it cost me. I got to the ladders out of the water in about 50 min. This was my first time using wet suit strippers - that was fun. I found my friend Lori - and she stripped me like a pro. She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, she undid my velcro strap and the zipper in about 1 second, she then spun me around again and grabbed my suit at the shoulders. I was commanded to sit down and then suddenly she was helping me up, handing me my suit, and screaming for me to run!!!!!!!

T1 went fine. I had practiced my moves and all went as planned. A little slow but I did not have to redo anything due to poor planning - I call it a success.

The bike was where I really wanted to do well. I feel like I had spent more time here and now it was time to put it to work. Getting on the bike went well. Crossing the bridge was fine and I was right where I wanted to be. My HR was around 155 and my cadence was in the 85-90 range. I turned up Military and into the wind and then I realize that into the wind was going to suck. I got as aero as possible and kept going. I saw my friends Mark and Tron just before turned onto the bypass. It was great to see someone I knew - Mark ran with me for a few feet and cheered me on - it was great.
The Bypass was fun. The road was smooth, I was holding my speed and my nutrition plan was working pretty well. The bridge over the river was actually not bad at all. The view was great and going down the other side was fun - I hit 25 mph on the back side. The next 15 miles were dead into the wind and I just had to work to keep any speed at all. I was hoping to hold between 16 and 16.5 mph but not in the wind. Just hold on I kept telling myself, the turn around is getting closer every second. I made the turn around and stopped at the 38 mile water stop. I had to pee. The line took awhile but I used the time to hydrate and get some food in me. I downed a whole bottle of water, two pieces of banana, and some orange slices. Back on the bike I really felt better. I kept 16 all the way back to the Battleship. The last 3 miles were really crazy due to an accident, a triathlete had been hit by a car - not a good way for your day to end. We were supposed to have a whole lane to ourselves but due to the accident the traffic has moved over and all I had to ride on was the 24 inch shoulder. I did not have any major problems with the last hill, I just powered through and then coasted down the back of the hill into Battleship park. I had wanted to do the bike in 3:35 to 3:45 but not today - just over 4 hours by the time I hit transition.
T2 - this was the first time I ever had my bike taken from me - that was cool. I grabbed my Garmin and followed the volunteer to my bag. I got my shoes changed and headed out on the run. I changed my Garmin to run a little early - at the end it said I ran 13.4 miles.
Out on the run my legs felt pretty good. They were fatigued but moving in the right direction. I had planned to walk some of the first bridge, take in some food and that seemed to work well. I took 2 electrolyte capsules at the first aid station and grabbed a banana to eat. I ran as much of the first 6.5 as I could, in some cases walking only a couple of steps before running again. I kept remembering, a shuffle is faster than walking so just keep shuffling along. The best part of the run for me was the perspective of the run. I never felt like I had a long slog ahead of me. I just felt I had 6.5 to the turn around and then I would run 6.5 back. I hit each aid station taking in water and Heed. At about 5 miles I started with chicken broth and added some cola to the regiment. I made the turn around and just kept running. I really felt pretty good, my legs were feeling shredded but I never felt down about the run. I just kept plugging away. I really enjoyed the run down Front Street, the crowds were great and having my name on the race number just meant that people cheered for you by name. I realized that I was going to finish around 8 hours and I just made peace with it. I was going to finish with style and just saying I finished at 1/2 iron was enough. I walked up the last bridge but ran from the top to the finish line. It was great to hit the grass and see the big finish arch. I hit the end with a little panache - I raised my arms for the crowd and crossed the finish line with a big smile on my face. I finished in just over 8 hours - a long day but a good day.
I really had a good day. Not my best day but a really good day none the less. I think the 1/2 iron distance is out of my system for a while but I won't rule another one out sometime in the future.
Thanks for following along.

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