Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Leg is feeling fine – as long as I don’t use it.

Coach Tom and I have discussed my leg/Achilles tendon issues and come to the following conclusions:

1. Running through the pain this past Saturday was not smart. Bad John – Bad John
2. I am on a 5 day no run exercise program. I am allowed to swim and bike but NO running until Saturday.
3. I can run my per my training schedule on Saturday (7 miles planned) but am to purposely run easy and pay attention to how my Achilles feels. Some mild healing discomfort is ok but pain is bad and if I feel pain - I am to walk back to the car.
4. Keep up with icing, ibuprofen, and an aggressive message/rolling of my legs to promote healing.
5. Don’t get down – injuries happen – you need time to heal and then move on.

I don’t get to do a practice this week so Tom has suggested I come to his boot camp. I have never done boot camp with Tom but am already worried about how I will be able to do simple things, like hold a pencil, wash my hair, and such on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as the lactic acid content in my body will be at approximately one million percent above its current level. My upper body strength is sadly lacking and although my core strength has grown by leaps and bounds lately – I am not sure how I will survive boot camp. Think of me on Thursday.

I got up this morning and rode the bike. I have not done any biking in a long long time due to the marathon training schedule. Now my butt will hurt too.

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