Monday, January 18, 2010

Cold run and Achillies Tendon Issues

Its been awhile since I did this so please grab a coffee and enjoy a few minutes of reading.

Two weeks ago the temps were in the 20's and I was scheduled to do a 14 mile run. The day did not go as planned and I sent an email to my friend Steve (I call him a friend in that we have emailed together but have not really met or even been in the same state together) and asked for his advice. Steve lives in Minnesota and is much more comfortable preparing for cold winter runs - below is my letter. The temp was 23 with a wind chill of 13!

Steve -

We were scheduled to do a 14 mile run today - I have done 2 14 mile days before and have done several 12 milers so felt like this would be just a long run only colder.

To prepare for the cold I put on a longsleve Zorrol performance T-shirt (we get them from races around here) and a long sleeve nike running shirt. The nike is pretty thick and I only use it in the winter around here - other wise I am hot. Over this I had planned a standard cheap nylon wind breaker but in the end changed to a winter coat. It is fleece lined with a nylon shell. I did two pairs of light weight running pants (all I have). I also did scarf, hat, and gloves.

We got to the start this morning and it was cold but we were optimistic for a good run - and off we went. Steve - I was cold at the start, even with all the layers but started to warm up about mile 2. I even started un-zipping alittle on the down wind portions but never really felt warm. My legs were cool but not uncomfortable. My ears and lower lip were frozen but I snugged the hat and scarf down and kept on going.

Our course was a figure 8, so at mile 6.5 we were back to our cars for food and water (my water bottle in the back of the truck was frozen on the surface). We were stopped about 4 to 6 minutes and then off again. I began to realize I was wet under the coat at about 9 miles and was really concerned when I began to have regular full body shivers. I am running for petes sake - not sitting on my butt in the cold but running. I am not supposed to be cold. 9 to 12 miles sucked - I was cold, legs began to hurt and I was ready to stop, drink coffee, and get warm. Dave and I cut the run alittle short and ended up with a 12 mile run.

I got home and began to realize how cold and wet I was. Both shirts were wet to the point of dripping off my lower back and my coat was visibly wet on the outside back of my coat. My hat and scarf were soaked too. I don't know what to do. I was cold at the beginning, cold during the run, was honest enough with myself to be scared at 9 miles because I was shivering and running and was 3 miles from the car. I know I sweat - I mean really sweat like Steve SWASS sweat but I cant stop running now because its cold- I am 8 weeks until my marathon. I have to do my long runs. Please help.

Steve emailed me back with some advice and happy thoughts but the jest was: I had over dressed, way over dressed, and don't do that again.

For those of you here in southern NC - we did not have to worry about such things this weekend. It was 53 at the start of my run and 59 at the end. I wore shorts and a short sleeve T-shirt and was fine the entire run. I am having Achilles issues in my left leg and cut my run alittle short - I ended up with 11.2 miles instead of the planned 16. My coach Tom has put me on 5 days of NO RUNNING with lots of ice and message to try and let it heal. I put my bike trainer back together and hope to start riding tonight. I also might get up and swim in the morning - yah we will see how that goes!

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