Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why you should have a Bike Fit

I finally did it. I went to my LBS and scheduled a bike fit. Now I am mad at myself for not doing it earlier.

I am a back of the pack age grouper riding a bike and I am happy with that but I have really been handicapping myself with a bike that does not fit correctly. Not anymore.

I spent 2.5 HOURS with Charlie at BikeCycles and he looked at everything - twice! He changed the position of my aerobars, seat, peddle stroke, seat angle - he even moved the cleats on my shoes. After 1.5 hours of peddle for a few minutes - change something - peddle some more, we went for a ride. We did about 5 miles through a nice neighborhood and tried everything out. He adjusted my seat in somebodies driveway and then we rode some more.

The changes have taken some time to get used to but I am really enjoying my bike workouts now. I have noticed a definite increase in speed but even better is that my cadence has gone up without having to work any harder. I have had problems with my hands going numb, even on short rides, not now. I did a 1.5 hour ride (20 miles)with no gloves and had no problems. I also had some numbing in other manly places but since the fit - no problems there either.

My advice to you is - get a fit - it is totally worth the money.

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