Sunday, December 27, 2009

14 miles, traveling, and eggnog

Saturday morning Dave, Sue, and I got up early for a 14 miler. I did 14 last week but was a little nervous about this run. I was using my new Christmas presents (Garmin 305 with heart rate monitor, fuel belt, and new shorts) and was not sure how they were going to feel over a long run. I was also a little worried about running with Sue. Dave and I have made several long runs together and we have just about the same pace, however Sues long pace is about 45 seconds to 1 min faster than us. Oh well – just try to hang on. The run went fine. We finished in 2:28 with no ill effects of the new unwashed shorts, a new fuel belt, no chaffing from the heart rate strap, and the Garmin worked like a champ. As for Dave and Sue – it was their first time at that distance! Go Dave and Sue! I am writing this Sunday morning and my legs are still a little sore but no other major after effects.

After the run, we loaded the kids and dog in the van and headed for my parents for a couple of days and Christmas part 2. The trip is 112 miles door to door and takes about 2.5 hours. Evan took a nap and Lauren sat quietly and read for most of the trip. Marcie and I had some nice time together as the miles passed on. I guess the best thing that can be said about any trip like this is: It was uneventful. After dinner, we all sat in the living room and opened presents again. My Parents, my brother and his wife and all of us shredded paper and watched the kids go crazy with delight again.

Getting presents at Christmas is wonderful and I am truly thankful for all I got but I have to say, with the wisdom I have gained over the years, my favorite thing about coming to my parents at Christmas is…….wait for it…..

Dads Eggnog! It is a simple recipe that does not contain eggs – I like it because it does not have that slick mouth feel that you get with lots of cream and blended eggs. It’s a family recipe but we share it with all who ask. So here it is – in my humble opinion, the best eggnog ever.

1 and 1/3 container of eggnog ice cream (This is due to ice cream not being a whole ½ gallon anymore)

1 juice glass of corn whiskey – moonshine!!

1/2 juice glass of rum

1 quart of skim milk

1 quart of whole milk

Break up the ice cream with a fork in a large serving/punch bowl. Add all the other ingredients and mix well. It is best when there are still chucks of ice cream floating around. Some of us will sprinkle nutmeg on the top but that is optional.

Running at Christmas is tough. Dealing with being out of our schedule, eating way more that we need but I do it anyway. Well not really anyway – I do it so I can have three glasses of Dad's Eggnog while opening presents.

Merry Christmas everybody – part 2

1 comment:

  1. John - Please get in touch with me ASAP - you won the prize on my blog about 2 weeks ago. If I don't hear from you by Monday I'm going to need to select a new winner. Email me at
