Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Picture

Christmas Pictures

It has been a Christmas Weekend at our house! We had pageant practice for two hours on Saturday afternoon, Christmas Party Saturday evening, Sunday school, and church, then the kids Christmas pageant was tonight. Both kids are jacked up on sugar cookies, slightly overstimulated, and in bed late tonight - that should make for a fun Monday morning.

The picture was one of my favorites but alas was not the final choice for the family card this year. The slight lean to the picture is due to the less than level tripod the camera was attached to - my bad.

I did get in a run on Saturday morning. It was my first "cold" run of the year and the first long run where I had to plan for the weather. I did lots of reading and talked to Lou at TrySports, both Tom and Kristen (my coaches), and my friend Camille who has forgotten more about running than I know! What it all breaks down to is this - wear layers, wear pants below 45 deg F, cold is a mental thing, the cold gets better after you have run awhile.

I have to say its all true - the worst part was getting out of the car. By the time we had 2.5 miles in, I was un-layering and un-zipping trying to cool down. Camille and I did 8 miles in just under 1:28.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John! I just wanted to let you know that you won my Holiday Giveaway! Send me your mailing address to kristagager at gmail dot com and I will put your prize in the mail this week! Enjoy!
