Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Good, the bad, and the ugly

The last several days have been exactly what the title said.

The Good - I had my last safety meeting as the safety chairman for our building at work. I have held the post for three years now. My boss said it was time for someone else to take on the responsibility. That is fine with me. I feel I have done a pretty good job at managing the reasonable and unreasonable issues over the last three years but am looking forward to just going to the meetings without having to worry about what needs to be covered.

The Bad - Monday and Tuesday I felt like crap. I actually stayed home from work on Tuesday and slept. I slept 5 hours straight and still went to bed by 10:00PM and went right to sleep. I have be expelling all sorts of semisolid materials out of my nose for several days and I am tired of it. I am back on my nasal spray and it seems to be helping. I woke up this morning with no nose crustys - that's a good thing.

The Ugly - Wednesday night is the Tom workout. The workout was fine. I felt I put in an honest 1.5 hours of training. We did a little over 2 mile warm up then some hard 400's with tempo runs in between. I slowed a little on the second tempo set but I still felt good about the run. The ugly came about when we did our core workout after running. Tom has these workout aids that I refer to as the "Wheel of Death". The are wheels you strap your feet too and then you can do all types of cool ab work, among other things. We did knees to chest (think pushup position and the wheel rolls under you as you knees come forward). We did pikes, same thing except you butt goes up in the air and your knees stay straight. We also did standard pushups. The ugly is that I have the upper body strength of a 2 week old baby. So as we did the knees to chest - my abs were saying bring it on where my arms, shoulders, and chest were screaming for me to stop this craziness. It was worse with the pikes because I had already done the knees to chest one. I will not even go into how bad my pushups were.

I made myself a commitment at that point. After every run for the next month - I will do at least two sets of pushups to try to build up some strength.

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